
Sunday, August 7, 2011

Eco-activities and environmental education for the new school year

Hello Friends of Kids for Saving Earth! A new month, a new Conserving Classroom Calendar, an interactive calendar with Earth Holidays and Eco-activities for classrooms, kids clubs, families, and anyone else who wishes to help the Earth.

Begin your school year with our Respect the Earth campaign. It's a great first step to empower children to spread the message about capitalizing the word Earth.  They can sign up on our Respect the Earth link and tell others to do so too.

It's back to school days and KSE has created a new program: Rules for Greening Schools.  Review this program and when school year begins choose the steps that work best for you. You can help protect the Earth and your students health. Also check out how to clean for healthy schools.

Another green school activity is to hold an Earth Expo at your school.  This will take some preparation so read it over and decide how you can fit some or all of it into your curriculum.  You might want to include studying about The Great Garbage Patch, a floating garbage "patch" in the Pacific Ocean the size of Texas! Once they understand its causes, ask them to email us about what they can do to help prevent this problem. We  love to include students’ video reports on our site.

A friend of mine recently lost her son to cancer.  Adam was an amazing young man who loved the beauty of the Earth.  KSE has named him a Defender of the Planet.  The best way your students can honor his memory is to become Defenders of the Planet too.  Click here to learn more.

You might not know that KSE has some pre-school environmental activities.  Check our web site.  Also consider ordering our Teacher's Guide for Little Kids for Saving Earth.

Thanks for all you do.  Don't forget to communicate with us, support us, and spread the word about Kids for Saving Earth.

Have a happy August.

And don't forget to "like" KSE on Facebook, and Follow us on Twitter.

For the Earth and its children,


  1. You could also have a Used Clothing Drive at your school, club, youth group, Scout Troop or church to help divert textile waste from the solid waste stream. A great company that does this in California is:

    You get paid for donations, so it's a total Win/win situation! :)

  2. It is beautiful how children help save the earth.
