
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July is here! Environmental activities and education for kids from Tessa Hill

July is usually hot and sunny in the U.S. and Canada, filled with summer activities like fishing, camping, picnicking and family vacations. Kids often spend lots of time outside enjoying the warm weather. Take time to review some rules about protecting everyone from too much sun. Check out Unsun Fun to learn how to keep skin safe in summer while having fun outdoors. Also we have included a KSE Envirahealth Alert from The Environmental Working Group about best choices for safe sun blocks.

July is also a good time to educate your students about how to put the sun to work in a way that can help protect the Earth's health. Review activities in our Sun Power - A Bright Idea to help kids learn about solar power and how they can encourage governmental leaders to support sustainable energy practices.

Because many Congress members are in their districts visiting constituents during the summer, it's a great time to set up a visit to their local offices. Click on Meet Your Congressperson to learn how you can talk with them about your environmental concerns. Freedom to express your concerns is much of what July 4th is all about.

The United States, France and Canada have special national holidays to celebrate and honor their countries in July. If any KSE international members would like to include their national holidays on any month of our KSE calendar, please email us to let us know.

We are also looking for your opinions about our web site. Tell us what you like about it and give us suggestions for what you would like to see on our site. Email us your thoughts.

If you are on a summer break, now is the perfect time to gather photos, drawings, letters or whatever you have that shows us what your Defenders of the Planet are doing to help protect the Earth. Those of you who filled out the membership forms promising to send artwork and more, Today is the Day. Send or email us all this information. We will add you to our Defenders of the Planet page. We want to tell the world what our members are doing.

Finally, we need your support.  Buying green products from our KSE Green Shop or contributing a donation will be greatly appreciated.  There is so much Earth-saving work ahead and we can't do it without your support. A $2 donation from each of you would provide us enough funding for one year.  I don't receive a salary and we run KSE on a very small budget.  Please consider donating! 

And don't forget to Like KSE on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter.

For the Earth and its children,

Tessa Hill
President, Kids for Saving Earth
Office: 763-559-1234
37955 Bridge Road
North Branch, MN 55056

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