Kids for Saving Earth is Headquartered in Minnesota, U.S.A. Here in Minnesota, we are fortunate to have 74 state parks and recreation areas, 56 state forest campgrounds and day use areas, and a handful of national parks, trails, and monuments.

I was lucky enough to visit one of these parks last month. On the North Shore of Lake Superior,
Judge C.R. Magney State Park features over 4,600 acres of park land which includes hiking trails, campsites, and Devil's Kettle Falls on the Brule River.
The land was set aside in 1957. Over fifty years later, people come from all over the region to camp, hike, learn and experience nature in a way they can't elsewhere. Wildlife habitat is protected and preserved. Nature is allowed to flourish.
Devil's Kettle Falls on the Brule River |
Rapids on the Brule River |
Growth on the forest floor |
Forest growth after the rain |
Forest floor "carpeting" |
State and national parks, trails, and forests are important for any region. They teach us about wildlife areas that existed all over the Earth before human settlements, cities, and suburbs. However, with the slump in the economy, many city, state, and national park budgets are being cut, eliminating important resources to keep these parks open.
It's remarkable how influential kids can be when they make their voices heard to important decision-makers.
Kids for Saving Earth has put together an activity for kids who want to save their local parks:
Save Our Parks!
Help pass the message on to our local and national leaders that parks are important!