Earth Day is this week, Friday, April 22nd!
Earth Day is a great day to realize what simple things we can do and change in our daily lives to help the Earth. It's also a great day to teach our children the importance of this worldwide holiday, and the importance of taking care of our Earth.
Kids for Saving Earth has many, many materials to help you do just that:
- The simple eco-activity of having students cleaning their desk can be a good lesson in how to reuse and recycle, while doing some spring cleaning! Clean Your Desk (pdf)
- Get kids interested in Earth-related research with this simple fact sheet: Earth Facts (and tips) (pdf)
- Encourage kids to use cloth napkins for a week to save on paper waste with this eco-activity, Use Cloth Napkins Week
- Teach kids about the importance of cutting down on waste and plastic-usage by telling them about the Great Garbage Patch (pdf), the floating trash "island" in the Pacific Ocean.
- The emissions from buses are toxic, and when they idle outside of school, kids inhale them. Get kids to take action by reducing the dangers of idling school buses outside their school. No Idling! (pdf)
- A great addition to any environmental education curriculum is the Kids for Saving Earth Promise (pdf), a multi-lingual program for kids to promise to keep the Earth "healthy and beautiful."
- Lastly, to reward kids' Earth-saving efforts, give them a Defender of the Planet Certificate (pdf).

Of course, you can find much, much more on our website, (Click on "Programs" for the complete list.)
Be sure not to let this important Earth holiday go uncelebrated. Take this opportunity to teach a child about protecting the Earth!
And let us know what you're doing for Earth Day! Comment below, reach us via Twitter (@KSEgreenschool), or comment on our Facebook Page!
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