
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Earth Month

Earth month is always so important to Kids for Saving Earth. Thanks to founder of Earth Day, Senator Gaylord Nelson, Earth month has become a festive 30-day celebration to honor and protect the Earth. I'm hearing from schools all over the US and Canada and throughout the world including India, Pakistan, Sweden, England, France, Australia. Everyone wants to use April to teach students how to protect and honor the Earth. This makes me very happy!

Kids for Saving Earth provides educational materials helping teachers empower and inspire kids to protect the Earth. My son, 11-year -old Clinton Hill, started Kids for Saving Earth one year before he died from a malignant brain tumor. His belief that kids could work with adults to save the Earth was my inspiration to provide teachers and parents the tools to do just that. I was a teacher and am a parent and I know they're very busy people and have a lot to fit into their schedules. I have found ways to make it easy to begin and easy to fit the activities into all types of curricula day after day.

Start by telling your children the story of Clinton (because it is very inspiring to them) and move on to our KSE Promise to the Earth. You can print it out and have kids say it and sign it. You could also teach them how to sing it. In addition, print out the Call to Action form. Ask the kids to take it home for their families to fill out, deciding what they will do together to help the Earth.

So now you have begun. Take a peek at this month's Kids for Saving Earth calendar to decide what might work for you and your family or students. Sign up to receive a free membership packet for teachers and parents. The Programs page is filled with ideas for easy activities.

Let us know what you are doing and we will create a Defenders of the Planet page for your school or group.

Most of all, thanks for being concerned parents and educators. We really need you to work with kids to make their only home healthy and beautiful.

Happy Earth month!

Tessa Hill
President, Kids for Saving Earth,
Office: 763-559-1234
37955 Bridge Road

North Branch, MN 55056

1 comment:

  1. This is Hasan Hanif
    want to contact with you :-)
