
Monday, January 16, 2012

Universal Pictures: Let the Lorax Speak for the Trees!

Mr. Wells' 4th Grade Class -- the gang behind, the initiative to reduce unwanted, wasteful mail catalogs -- was excited about Dr. Seuss's The Lorax coming to movie theaters in March. But when they saw the movie trailer and visited the Universal Pictures website, they were disappointed at finding almost nothing relating to what The Lorax story was about: protecting the environment.

But that disappointment didn't lead to discouragement; it led to action! These 4th graders from Brookline, Massachusetts have created an online petition urging Universal Pictures to "green up" the promotion of this film. Complete with a video, suggestions, and a convincing argument, the petition now has over 3,500 signatures and counting.

The class writes:
Our world, like the Lorax’s, is facing major environmental problems like pollution, global warming, oil spills, littering, a Great Pacific Garbage Patch, deforestation, and loss of animal habitat. These problems will affect our future.
The Lorax movie, with its millions of dollars in advertising and massive audience has the potential to help heal the Earth. This movie can show the world we should not take our sky, water, trees, and animals for granted. It could inspire more and more people to treat Earth with the same respect you would give a child.
We’d like to see the movie live up to the potential of the book. We’re encouraging Universal to make an improved Lorax movie website that Dr. Seuss would be proud of. We recommend a “Lorax Tips” button shaped like a Truffula seed sharing ways people can help the planet. Maybe a Truffula Tree overflowing with tips and links pops up when you click on the seed! We can help you make this list, too!
With this film, Universal Pictures has an opportunity to spread the word about caring for the Earth, which is at the core of Dr. Seuss's original story. Kids for Saving Earth fully supports this tremendous effort by these ambitious 4th graders. If you love this story as much as we do, please sign this petition.

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better, it’s not." - Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

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