Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Cyber Monday! Discounted Membership Rates All Week!

Happy Cyber Monday! We're extending our Cyber Monday offer all week, through Saturday, December 3rd.

Small and Medium-level Kids for Saving Earth Memberships are $4 off all week. Just enter the code "CyberGreen" at check-out.

This is a great opportunity for any classroom, club, or family to receive membership materials and help KSE continue providing environmental education curricula.

Membership materials include certificates, the Rock the World CD, All About KSE DVD, activity guide, and more!

Click here to see our list of memberships and order.

Happy Holidays!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Holiday shopping at the KSE Green Shop!

The Holiday Season is fast-approaching! For your holiday shopping, please consider shopping for the Earth. The Kids for Saving Earth Green Shop is a great resource for Earth-related gifts for your home, classroom, or your child.

For your home or classroom, check out the ActiveIon Ionator, a safe, chemical-free device that uses simple tap water to clean and disinfect surfaces.

The ionator HOM™ and ionator EXP™ are virtually the only cleaning products in the world without chemical-related health warning labels. The technology driving the ionator products has been used for decades in food processing plants, four-star restaurants, and large hotels. The ionator has taken this technology, miniaturized it, and made it affordable for everyday use.

A water cell applies a slight electrical charge to the tap water. The charged water passes through an ion exchange membrane, creating an oxygen-rich mixture of positive and negative nano-bubbles. The ionized water now attracts dirt like a magnet and lifts it from the surface, enabling it to be easily wiped away.  Counter tops, appliances, stainless steel, bathrooms, windows, etc., shine and are sanitized with the ionator.

Do you need a gift for an educator? Check out the Everything Green Classroom Book, by KSE President Tessa Hill. This is the essential guide for incorporating eco-friendly concepts into everyday lessons, activities, and field trips. With suggestions for adjusting activities for grade level, teachers can create fun lessons for any elementary school class. If you order from the KSE Green Shop, you can have it signed by Tessa. From air pollution to water woes, each chapter is organized by topic so you can easily explain concepts to your class, plan hands-on activities, and encourage students to continue thinking about issues outside of the classroom.

KSE Buttons and Pins make great stocking-stuffers for any Defender of the Planet. Choose from several styles of buttons or pins.

These are just a few of the items you can find in our Green Shop. You can also find office supplies, KSE music, posters, and books. Remember, all purchases support our efforts to provide environmental education materials throughout the year.

Happy Earth-shopping!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Environmental Education and Activities for November

Hello Friends of Kids for Saving Earth!

Happy November!

It's the time of year in North America to prepare for the winter season. That means lots of yard work.  Don't forget to teach your students about composting. Check out Compost Power on our calendar.  Ask them to teach their parents how to compost and to take photos of the process. Place the photos on your school bulletin board.

Another project kids can do with their parents is to learn how to Become an Earth Inspector and discover what are some of  the dangerous toxins in homes. Print out the Become an Earth Inspector and the 30 Pollution Place work sheets. Read the information in class and send home the work sheets for the kids to share with their parents.

Magazine Exchange is one of the easiest activities you can do to remind kids and their parents about the concept of "reusing." It saves money and the Earth. Surprisingly, it also encourages kids to see which magazines parents read and that they may enjoy trying to read them also.

In the United States we celebrate Thanksgiving in November. This is a day to celebrate and be thankful for all the good that life has given us. Of course the Earth is our shared home and we are very thankful for all it provides us. Try out the Respect the Earth campaign to show kids a good way to thank the Earth.

The holiday season is about to begin. Think green when you are shopping and encourage your students to do the same. Print and provide each child with the Shop Green Holidays ideas and don't forget to check out the KSE Green Shop for your gift giving this season. If you would like to give a gift to KSE just forward this email to other instructors by clicking on the "Send to a Friend" link at the bottom of the page. Tell them you love us!

Kids for Saving Earth is thankful for all you wonderful instructors and parents. We are so grateful for all you do.

And don't forget to Like KSE on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter!

For the Earth and its children,